Breast cancer is the most common cancer facing women. Women with a broad knowledge of health and life seems to behave very well, still can get cancer. In fact, there are some things we can not control, such as family medical history. The scientists predict that more than a quarter of breast cancer risk is due to family history.
If the cancer is attacked, the breast is not only a health problem, but also in terms of aesthetics. Breast cancer is not immediately addressed to make the cells that spread increasingly gnawing. You certainly do not want this to happen to you, right?
It is clear that eating healthy is part of the tip that support your breast health. So, what should we do (or not do) to reduce the risk themselves against breast cancer? Here's his review for you, as reported by Eating Well from cancer experts and nutritionists.
Stay away from alcoholThat said, most studies have linked breast cancer prevention and diet is not convincing, according to Col. Laurence MD, PhD, program director of epidemiology at Cancer Research Center of Hawaii. However, one of the strongest factor is alcohol.
"Even the consumption of one drink a day increases breast cancer risk," he said.
Consuming moderate amounts of alcohol have benefits for heart disease and heart disease kills far more women than cancer, but you need to weigh the desire to drink. Moreover, if you have other risk factors for breast cancer.
Consider limiting yourself to one drink a day, because the rest is not going to benefit the heart. If you have a family history of breast cancer, should avoid alcohol altogether.
Keep the body remains proportionalAn article recently published in the journal Cancer found that one of the most important ways to reduce the risk of breast cancer is to avoid weight gain. This means balancing healthy eating with regular exercise.
Research also shows that if you are overweight, reducing many pounds before age 45 can reduce the risk of breast cancer after menopause. Even if you have passed the age of the 40s, manage your weight through exercise will be very helpful.
A study of more than 100,000 women reported that those who exercise regularly have a lower risk of breast cancer than did not. Exercise can help reduce levels of hormones involved in breast cancer. Instead, commit to regular exercise, if you have not already.
Moderately fat consumptionWomen's Intervention Nutrition Study (WINS)-focused clinical trial in postmenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer found that those who follow low-fat diet significantly reduced the risk of cancer coming back. They also lost an average of 2 kg after the first year of cancer.
Because weight is associated with breast cancer recurrence and lower survival rates, it could be the main benefit of low-fat diet is to encourage weight loss. Therefore, pay attention to fat intake to help prevent you from gaining weight. Or in other words, can be a strategy against cancer.
Eating nutsIn countries like China and Japan where processed soybean foods commonly consumed, breast cancer cases, including the lowest in the world. One analysis of 18 studies found that eating processed soybean foods such as tofu, tofu, and tempeh, will slightly reduce the risk of breast cancer.
But, Laurence warned, do not be tempted to consume soy supplements sold in the market. High dose of phytoestrogens found in soy supplements can behave like estrogen in the body, causing changes in breast cells that have the potential to cause cancer. Women living with breast cancer and women who are at high risk of breast cancer should avoid soy supplements.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruitsThe study, which assessed whether fruits and vegetables can fight breast cancer is considered disappointing, but "diet rich in fruits and vegetables tend to be lower in calories. And, can help keep your body in fighting cancer and stay healthy, "said Laurence.
Cheryl Rock PhD, RD, who coordinated the Women's Healthy Eating and Living Study (WHEL) at the University of California, San Diego, found that women who eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits every day (along with fast paced 30 minutes per day) reduces risk of dying from breast cancer by 50 percent.
"The main, weight proportional. If women are not able to lose weight, but eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and exercise, they still can reduce the risk of cancer and kekambuhannya, "he said.
source: Mubarak Yulianti - Okezone
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