Almost all women have experienced vaginal discharge. For some women, vaginal discharge is often regarded as normal. Though this opinion is not entirely true, because there is vaginal discharge which may be indicative of a disease that must be treated. So, how can we tell?
GP Balikpapan Pertamina Hospital (RSPB) Otto Rajasa said, generally whitish or pitch caused by the ten causes tay. However, vaginal discharge is abnormal and should receive serious treatment may be caused by the four causes.
First, it is whitish due to the non-specific vaginitis. The characteristics of whiteness fluids include gray with blood lines, thin, very numerous and very smelly. The causes, can cause both benign and malignant tumors.
"The medicine for this disease on average by drug taking antibiotics," said the man was familiarly called Dr. Otto's.
It is said, is the second leading cause of vaginal discharge caused by the fungus Candida Albicans. Characteristics watery white liquid, a lot, the smell of stale, sometimes hot urination and itching around the area of Miss V. Third, the whiteness is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. Characteristics greenish yellow, frothy very much, itchy and smelly. "If this is the case then the form of anti-parasite medicine metronidazole drink 7-10 days," he said.
The fourth cause of vaginal discharge, caused by a germ Gonorrhoea / King Lion, a sexually transmitted disease sexually transmitted. "Features, a thick yellow fluid, very much, heat, itching, and pain during urination. Medicine with high doses of antibiotics can be injection or drink, "he said.
Added, healing abnormal vaginal discharge is not directly an instant with a single medication, but requires several days of treatment. In addition, sufferers also have to perform vaginal smear test, which diusapkan vaginal fluid on the slide for viewing under the microscope for doctors to know with certainty the cause and cure.
Further to say, to prevent foul-smelling vaginal discharge and abnormal, one way is to Pap smear testing. For women from the age of 18-65 years suggested a Pap smear test once every 1-3 years.
Otto said the discharge should be treated from an early age, so symptoms develop. Because if you have chronic vaginal discharge and prolonged will be more difficult to treat. In addition, if the discharge is allowed to spread into the uterine cavity and then kesaluran ovaries and to the ovaries and eventually into the pelvic cavity.
"Whitish to watch out, because whiteness is the early symptoms of cervical cancer. So do not be late to know what the cause of vaginal discharge. For sure do not ever underestimate the whiteness, "he said.
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