Do not underestimate Whitish

Posted by rewrtetrttyy on June 4, 2011

Whitish or pektay is one of three problems of women who initially underestimated and over time become serious and even become worse. At least 75% of women had experienced problems Keputihan, at least once in their lifetime.
The cause of vaginal discharge is a condition where excess fluid from the vagina. In medical terms, usually called white flour albus. The reason, the fungus Candida albicans.

Whitish fungal problem was not caused by consuming fruit pineapple, cucumber and so forth. Women at risk of developing vaginal discharge when the body is under stress because of lack of rest, an unhealthy diet, or disease.

There are several causes of an increasing number of physiological vaginal fluids. As an increasing number of hormones at around the time of menstruation or during pregnancy, sexual arousal, stress or fatigue, as well as the use of drugs or contraceptives. Some of the causes of abnormal vaginal discharge, an infection and not infection. The cause of the infection, due to the breeding of harmful bacteria such as chlamdyia, fungi such as Candida sp, and parasites such as Trichomonas vaginalis.

Discharge can be prevented by keeping the genital hygiene, choosing the right underwear, avoiding risk factors such as infection changing sexual partners, as well as gynecological examinations regularly.

Rinsing the vagina with a special fluid is fine, as long as not too often and select the no perfume to avoid bentroknya 'aroma' original perfume vagina with soap.

When you are experiencing vaginal discharge, delay first intercourse for a while. When the level of whiteness is concerned, consult a physician. So as early as possible in order to overcome pektay Mrs.V health is maintained.

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