The use of wet pants or underwear is too tight, for example, can disrupt that balance. In certain circumstances, the vagina does not care enough to clean the outside. The inside also needs to be drained.
There are several ways used to do in treating female reproductive organs. Special cleaning fluid used to spray into the vagina. Contains active ingredients that could cripple the bacteria, germs, and fungi.
A. Rinse with cleaning fluidSpecial cleaning fluid used to spray into the vagina. Contains active ingredients that could cripple the bacteria, germs, and fungi. This fluid can be used in a few minutes.
Its use must be under the supervision of a doctor. Therefore, in addition to the rinse fluids, drugs to overcome the existing problems will also be provided. Not all problems can be solved with this fluid. Most can only be overcome keputihan.ladi, will not be able to cope with venereal diseases, especially infectious diseases cekcual (PMS).
2. Laser beamLaser is required for germ-killing drug use in the vagina usually takes a long time, especially if drug resistance occurs. The laser used is usually the type of low-level or low level laser therapy. Formulation of ultra violet rays of infrared clan was able to clear bacteria, fungi, and viruses in a relatively fast.
For mild disorders, shooting is usually done for 15 minutes. 'If the interference is severe, it takes tens of minutes with a few shots in a few days. Drugs are also frequently given by the doctor after laser shooting.
3. Ozone therapyDr., Mulyadi Tedjapranata, MD, from Clinical Medizone, mentioning that the method of use of ozone therapy as using cleaning fluid. With a device called a vaginal insufflations, ozone is inserted into the female organs with appropriate doses of the case.
"In principle, ozone serves as a disinfectant that can kill germs. Aim to prevent the entry of germs that cause disease," he said. With a specific time period (depending on the case), ozone is needed to clean the vagina intact.
To be an effective treatment, therapy is usually combined with drugs. However, ozone can not be used to treat sexually transmitted diseases or STDs. And certainly, this therapy should be performed by a physician who specializes in this. If not used properly, put ozone into the female organs will only lead to the proliferation of bacteria that actually harm the vagina.
4. Evaporation of warmIn the rite of traditional body treatments, evaporation is used to warm vagina. However, evaporation is clearly not effective at killing microorganisms.
Evaporation is used to scent the fragrance ingredient vagina, but warm. Therefore, this should be done as we use body perfume. There is no reason other than cosmetic reasons. Although evaporation is referred to as one way of treating the vagina, this step is not to prevent the disease, let alone eliminate the interference.
5. Gurah vaginaAlthough not a few who are interested to try it, gurah vagina still doubt its effectiveness. Moreover, the deal is clearly not a doctor. This action can make all the harmful microorganisms that normally would die or be lost clan of the vagina. As a result, the vagina is disrupted even risky.
6. Spa vaginaThis method of treatment of female reproductive tool that combines the ancient therapy. There curing or evaporation techniques. There are also acupressure massage technique on the whole body and especially the vagina. There are also meditation or some sort of motion for the kegel vagina.
Some treatments are safe enough. "True spa therapy commonly used in health care, only this time. Specifically applied to the vagina alone," said Hj. Harry Worro Soeharman, M.Ph, MKA, initiator V-spa therapy.
7. Drain vaginaThis is the controlling and cleaning up the mouth of the vagina and uterine cavity. This step into the action early in order to fungi or bacteria do not spread into the cavity of the uterus or fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility or infections that can trigger cancer.
Women who suffer from vaginal discharge should not delay treatment. In order not to bother, such a patient can go to a clinic or Couples Clinic Family Service Center that provides services, ranging from interviews, physical examination, laboratory tests, as well as cleaning the vagina to the uterine cavity until the treatment is completed.
The trick, until the end of the vagina with a speculum diteropong uterine cavity. With gauze forceps (Gaas) are first soaked in this betadin, action "thin" is done.
No need to fear, because it is simple and ticlak torture. After the laboratory results are known, the doctor will prescribe the right. Can be either oral medication or a tablet that is inserted into the vaginal opening. After three months, the patient is expected to return to double-check.
Whitish often recur if not treated completely. Treat the area around the vagina is not enough, you should get to the inside. The mothers who face problems with the couple regarding this case could also consulted. 0 abd
Replace Pants 2-3 timesThe degree of acidity of the vagina by Dr. Boy Abidin, Sp.OG, between 7.1 to 7.3. To maintain a healthy vagina, women at least understand a few things:Frequently changing pads, ferutama during menstruation. The blood that comes out can be a germ growth media.After sex, the outside of the vagina should always be cleaned. "Certainly not with ordinary soap," said Boy. We recommend using a special cleaning soap vagina. If necessary, use a cleanser vagina if there is infection in the pubic area.When cleaning the vagina, rinse arch from front to back. This is to avoid entrainment of germs from the anus to the vagina. Better water to clean the common direct or fenced from the faucet with spray taps. Water collected in a bucket or tub could have been contaminated with urine of others, spores, fungi, or bacteria.When using paper towels, you have to be careful. Mucus and water is absorbed, but it should be remembered that not all tissues guaranteed quality. Tissues are made of sawdust contaminated with mold if there is a lack of good manufacturing process.Keep your sex organs to avoid moisture after urinating or defecating. Vaginal Rinse thoroughly, then dry before wearing panties. Try to keep the pubic area and groin are always dry all the more for fat people. Moist atmosphere is like mushrooms.Change your underwear at least two to three times a day.Should not wear too tight pants, nylon, jeans, and leather.Wear cotton underwear that absorbs perspiration. Panty liner should only be used between 2-3 hours.Do not let your pants wet or damp because it gives the opportunity the growth of mold.For women who have given birth and sex, at least do a pap smear once a year. For those who have gone through menopause, do 2-3 years.Maintain a normal weight. Do not get fat because fat causes the vagina closed so moist folds.Keep your health in general with mengasup balanced nutritious diet.Take a sexual relationship with one person only. Frequently changing sexual partners will increase the possibility of being infected.
According to Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha, Sp.OG, there are two types of discharge.A. Physiology, characterized by:- No itch, no smell.- Mucus is actually clear.- There was only during the fertile period (age 20-40 women's).- Occurs before menstruation.- Occurs during pregnancy because it is associated with hormonal factors. Occur after sexual intercourse.- Due to stress, fatigue, pants too tight.
2. Pathological, characterized by:- Exit excessive mucus with infection.- Itching, stinging, redness vagina.- The mucus changes color
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