Although less popular with breast cancer, breast mastitismust also be recognized for prevention efforts because if it is acute,could result in removal of peyudara. The term breast mastitismeans inflammation of the breast. Symptoms include a variety oflump in the breast. Many things that cause inflammationThese include the existence of germs.
When depicted, the breast is like a tree that has a trunk,branches, and twigs. Just imagine how complex connective tissue,channel, and the constituent glands. Therefore, either male orshe must keep the body well to this oneavoid the possibility of mastitis.
Not only are you the owner must maintain the cleanliness of the breast,Your spouse also must maintain a healthy mouth, if he usednipple sucking during sex.
Three types, three causes-----------------------------There are three types of periductal mastitis, ie mastitis, mastitispueperalis, and mastitis supurativa. The third type of mastitis isarise from different causes and conditions that appear inalso different.
Periductal mastitis usually occurs in women in the age ofmenopause, the main cause is not clearly known. This situation ismamary also known as duct ectasia, which meanswidening of the channel due to the blockage of the channel inbreast.
According to dr. Samuel J. Haryono, SpB K Onk of Dharmais Cancer Hospital,in women aged 45 years or older or the age of menopause,triggers an inflammatory reaction is some hormonal changes andfeeding activity in the past. Factors that cause blockage ofThe main is dead tissue and breast milk itself.
Piles of dead tissue and breast milk at the breast line iscause deadlock channel and eventually even spreadchannel behind it, which is usually located behind the nipplebreast. The end result is an inflammatory reaction calledperiductal mastitis.
The second type of mastitis is also called lactational pueperalismastitis, this type diidap pregnant or lactating women.According to dr. Samuel, about 90 percent of the major causes of mastitis typesThis is caused by bacteria that infect the breast. It isbecause breast milk is a fertile medium for developersculture of various kinds of germs.
The most common type of bacteria found in this type of mastitis isStaphylococcus aureus, which can be transmitted to the mother's nipple throughdirect contact. Mothers who are breastfeeding, can get germsfrom contact with the baby's mouth, but can also be donereverse transmission, from mother to baby through the placenta.
"Origin of the germ must direct contact between the nipple to the worldoutside, either from the mouth of the baby or her husband's mouth, especially onpeople with low oral health such as the mouth of the suckercigarettes, "said the doctor is a specialist surgical oncology.
The last type is supurativa mastitis. This type of mastitis isThe most frequently encountered. Similar to the previous type, mastitisThis type of bacteria caused by staphylococcus. Besides it can alsocaused by the fungus, the TB germs, and even syphilis.
TB germs infection requires extra intensive treatment. Whenhandling is not complete, not impossible stepmastectomy / breast removal should be done. "Abnormalities inbreast glands and ducts could spread out of control andcould even repeat what happened when handling incomplete, "said the doctor was born in Yogyakarta.
Differences with cancer------------------------Basically the symptoms caused by the incidence of mastitis islump in the breast. Lump / thickening is red, toofeels hot and painful. Pain that arises is a sense of 'nyut-carried away 'in the breast area, especially if the lump is as ulcersbroken, it looks so terrible than painattached to them.
The pain is what is the fundamental difference between mastitisand breast cancer. In breast cancer, initially people withwill not feel pain at all, but only arisebump.
Lumps on mastitis is not such a form of cancerhard, but a thickening of the fluid. Inflammationusually affects only one breast, but not closelikely to spread to both breasts are infected.
In some conditions, mastitis can cause dischargeof the nipple, the liquid creamy similarpus. Others with breast cancer in which the liquid coming out ofnipples are usually red or brownish yellow like blood stains.Sometimes feeling like nipples experienced by people with too interested.
"People sometimes over estimate of mastitis, but thisis a benign cases that can be overcome, even when not perceivedpain that is a must watch out for, "said the doctor who like to paintthis.
Judging from the cause, mastitis is influenced by factorsdescent, but rather the hormonal factors and infections. Otherbreast cancer is influenced by hormonal factors evenheredity.
On mastitis caused by bacterial infection, sometimes growinginto an abscess / collection of pus in a cavity in a network of newthe mammary gland. Pus is formed from a collection of bacteria,tissue, and leukocytes are either dead or alive. The danger,This pus can spread to other body parts to cause intensefever / high fever and chills, sweating a lot, a decrease in powerimmune system, even to the decline in consciousness.
If you like this, inevitably have to do medical treatmentcarefully. Once diagnosed, doctors can determineappropriate healing measures, either by administering antibioticsalone or surgery should be performed.
If found symptoms of dribbling of fluid from the nipple, it is necessaryexamination called duktografi. Examination conductedby entering the contrast material, which will be done in photobreast line, and is therefore known to the blockageor polyps in the channel. In the case of periductal mastitis,step is also sometimes done with a biopsy when the tumor mass,at least to rule out the possibility of tumor or cancer.
Meanwhile, when it found a lump is suspectedabscess, especially containing pus, then the operation must be performedof incision and drainage, the operation and distribution penyayatanpus. Keep in mind that operating expenses must be pusdone in a timely manner, which is when the lumpsoftened / cooked to be easily removed.
Step begins with the anesthesia operation patient. Usually donelocal anesthetic alone, but when mastitis caused by bacterial infection, thenperformed general anesthesia in patients. Next, the breast areafirst cleaned with a special disinfectant. After thatcan only be done on the lump penyayatan, at this stagethe doctor will try to clean the inflammation is mechanicallydebridement.
Then the doctor will do is provide drainage channelsthat is used to drain any pus. When the stepthis is done, then the operation takes about ½ -1hours will be closed by suturing the wound is situational.
"If the inflammation is still included an early stage and has not incurred pus, thenno need for surgery, simply by givingantibiotics alone, "concluded the doctor who had settled in Amsterdam -Dutch.
Carried antibiotic as prescribed. Dose and howadministration of antibiotics is determined by weightseverity of infection and weight. Keep in mind, the mother whonursing and in thetreatment is recommended not to breastfeed their babies.
Men can be affected---------------------According to dr. Samuel, breast mastitis can happen to anyone, notwomen only. Breast infections can also occur in men,for example, in men with an infection due to bacteriapiercing in the nipple area. In addition men with swellingbreast or known as ginekomasti also vulnerableaffected by mastitis although a very small possibility to be developedbreast cancer.
Babies and children are also not spared from harm. Babies can be infectedinflammation of the mother through the placenta. Children can be infected with germsThis inflammation causes such as through the bite of insects in the areabreast, as an example of one patient dr. Samuel.
Warnings are also intended for women who have the treatmentsilicone or collagen injections to beautify the formbreast. "The reaction of the body against foreign substances such as silicone implantsand collagen can lead to hardening of such diversebreast tissue due to tissue reaction or inflammation strapped him inbreast when infected with the bacteria "explains dr. Samuel.
The main key to prevention is to maintain breast healthand maintain the breast of the 'beautiful and healthy'. So, startpay attention to your breast health, not merelyprioritizes appearance / beauty alone.
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